50 Quebec Avenue


York Condominium Corporation 323

50 Quebec Avenue, Toronto, Ontario

M6P 4B4




image test  ELECTRONIC BULLETIN BOARD image test

  • Introduction
  • General
  • Our Neighbours
  • Community Events
  • Calendar
  • Indoor Activities
  • Outdoor Activities


Welcome to YCC323's electronic notice board.

Various categories of information are provided on this page. By highlighting a tab you will see the most recent information available. Should you wish to add or update information, please send a message to the web master.

On December 6, 2012 a celebration of the season was held in the meeting room. Highlights of the event werre captured on camera. Please take a momnet to watch a short slide show of the evening.


You will find miscellaneous information of a general interest posted in this section. This may include suggestions from the Board or management office. Where applicable, links and directions for more complete detail will be shown.

Balcony Flooring

Many residents have expressed an interest in putting flooring on their balconies. Note that removable flooring such as wooden planks and squares are recommended. There are significant limitations to placing permanent flooring such as tiling on the balconies. Please contact the Property Manager before considering any flooring for information on options and restrictions. posted 1 May, 2012

Unfortunately a number of balconies still experience ponding after a heavy rain. This problem is under review and will require further investigation utilizing the expertise of an engineer. In the meantime please take advantage of the wet vacuum available in the superintendent's office on the main floor. (posted 4 November, 2012)

Visitors' Parking

There are a number of people who have been parking in our visitors' parking area and then walking across the street to the apartments or the subway. The Property Manager will be placing warnings on windshields the first time and then arranging for towing of the cars the second time. If you observe any abuses of this nature, please advise the Property Manager or Superintendents immediately. posted 1 May, 2012


(updated November, 2012)

We are fortunate to have a wonderful group of people living in our complex. In this section we would like to pass along the unique stories of an individual or family. If you would be willing to share your experiences, please send these to the webmaster or drop your story in to the management office.

We have dedicated this page to highlight only one individual. Previous highlights are not lost! If you click here, you will be directed to the Neighbours archive.

If you know your neighbour has a special story, we encourage you to ask them to submit it or, with their permission, write the story for them.

It would be very nice if you could also provide a picture of yourself. Our goal with this website is to encourage communication and it would be nice to place a face to a name.


Meet your neighbour ~ JOYCE REYNOLDS    


In a building that still has some original residents dating from 1976, Joyce is a relative newcomer.  She was looking for a condo in 2004, and says that the first time she stepped inside 50 Quebec she felt the warmth of the building and knew she wanted to live here.  She was lucky to find an apartment for sale immediately and, surrounded by “wonderful” neighbours, has felt at home ever since.

Joyce is a Down Easterner, having been born in Cape Breton and raised there and in Prince Edward Island.  She remembers making the rounds of parishoners with her father (a minister) and being privileged to sit in the formal parlours of country homes, listening to stories of pioneer ancestors and looking at treasured family photo albums.  She credits this period with awakening her lifelong interest in people and in helping others.

The family moved to Ontario, where Joyce completed high school.  She then studied nursing and pursued a career as a registered nurse at Ottawa Civic Hospital.  She met her future husband, Howard Reynolds, at a boys camp where he was waterfront director and she was the nurse for the summer.  They were married three years later and settled in Montreal, where he started working his way up the corporate ladder in an insurance company.  One of Joyce’s fondest memories of this stage in her life was accompanying her husband on trips to many interesting locations in North America and the British Isles.

While she enjoyed the time spent raising their two sons (and she now also has “one perfect granddaughter”), Joyce found that she wanted more out of life than being a hostess and corporate wife.  So she enrolled in McGill University, majoring in early childhood education.  Joyce achieved a further degree in the same discipline from Ryerson when her husband was transferred to Toronto.  This was the start of her career in helping other women.

With this background, Joyce has either initiated or worked on numerous programs involving parents and children, especially training and prevention programs such as mother and child drop-in centres.  A common aim of all her programs was to help mothers with no other outlets except their children gain confidence to expand their lives.  Joyce has recruited and trained numerous volunteers over the years, with one of her most satisfying accomplishments being the choice of a particular volunteer to run a program in the Jane/Finch area; the volunteer was so successful that she is now sought after world-wide for her expertise.

Joyce’s husband Howard passed away a few years ago, and she is not as active as she once was.  However, she remains involved in the church and looks forward to lunch at Tim Hortons with the ladies after Sunday service.  She enjoys art classes at Swansea Town Hall and loves teasing her classmates about the next masterpiece.  Mall walking has been replaced with aquafit classes, and Joyce says as long as she can drive her car, she’ll be going places.

Joyce’s main passion these days is the family cottage north of Kingston, fittingly on the same lake where she met her future husband all those years ago.  She enjoys paddling about the lake in either her kayak or canoe, or just sitting on the dock waving to passing boaters.  Joyce is currently serving a third term on the board of the cottage owners’ association, and is heavily involved in efforts to preserve the lake, which is one of the few trout lakes in Ontario.  As she puts it, she lives here, but her heart is there.

Joyce is quite happy to reside at 50 Quebec, however, and she especially appreciates the friendship and helping hands extended by the other residents on her floor (“the right floor in the right building”).  She has volunteered for the Neighbours sub-committee and recently hosted the first gathering of Neighbours on her floor.  Joyce would love to see the Neighbours concept adopted on every floor, because helping one another is still a guiding principle in her life.

Now that you’ve met her, please say Hello to your neighbour Joyce Reynolds whenever you see her around our condo building.        



Community Events ~

Keep up to date on events and happenings in and around our complex. Please read or click on the links for further information.

Please note information posted here is for information only and does not indicate the views of the Board of Directors, Staff or the webmaster at YCC323.

NOTE:  If you have information about an upcoming event, or would like to have current information updated, please contact the Webmaster.  Notices should be brief and of general interest.

Development Proposal Notices for High Park Avenue and Quebec Ave.


Development Proposal Notices on Bloor Street West

1990 Bloor StreetWest Website: www.thehighpark.com


1999 bLOOR sTREET WEST1990 Bloor picture


2114 - 2130 Bloor Street West

For greater detail on this project, please click here.

2130 Bloor proposal2130 Bloor Streetgoogle image


1844 Bloor Street West: posted May 12, 2012

For greater detail on this project, please click here.

Community objections and comments to the project can be viewed at www.highparkra.org.


1844 Bloor Street West



The City of Toronto no longer funds the High Park Zoo effective June 2012.  The Friends of High Park Zoo was formed to raise the necessary funds and to ensure that the Zoo, which was founded in 1898, keeps operating.  The Zoo costs only $227,000 (9 cents per resident) a year to run. To save it, sustainable funding is needed from individuals, corporations and local businesses.
We successfully convinced the City to keep the Zoo operating and have raised the necessary funds for the 2012/2013 budget.  
The Zoo will be relying on individuals, groups, companies and foundations to provide the necessary support to keep it open.
The Friends of High Park Zoo is a registered not-for-profit created expressly to generate support for the High Park Zoo.


Peacock High Park Zoo


All meetings are scheduled for the Meeting Room unless noted otherwise.

Meet the Board -posted in elevator - 7:00 to 8:00 pm

Energy Committee - to be announced

Bridge Club - Every Tuesday afternoon - 1:30 pm

Book Club -February 18, 2013

Health and Safety Committee March 7, 2013 - 2:00 pm



All activities are scheduled for the Meeting Room unless noted otherwise.

Bridge Club: See meeting schedule for game dates. For details on the club, please click here

Book Club: See meeting schedule. For details on the club, please click here.

Indoor Fitness: This activity is still in the planning stage. Suggested activities include yoga and Tai Chi.

Movie Schedule: This activity is still in the planning stage. The building now owns a projector and screen. Residents may wish to use their laptop computers or other devices to share their interest in travel, hobbies or educational pursuits. Please submit your ideas or requests to the management office.

Games Night: This activity is still in the planning stage. As noted above there is an active bridge club utilizing the Meeting Room. Scrabble, euchre or other board games could be held jointly with the bridge club or at a separate time and date. Share your thoughts and these will be published in the electronic bulletin board.



Swimming Pool: 2012 Season is finished

Tennis: 2012 Season is finished

 Walking Club: This activity is still in the planning stage.

Nature Club: This activity is still in the planning stage.